Tired all the time - 8 reasons that may be behind the tiredness @ 04 May 2023

Although you can sleep well, do you constantly feel tired, listless and powerless? Then it may be that an illness or other causes are behind it.

The most common cause of permanent fatigue is sleep: if you sleep too little, too briefly or too restlessly, you usually become untested during the day and feel tired and lacking in energy. Sometimes, however, you feel tired all the time despite a good night's sleep. In these cases, there are often other triggers behind the unpleasant condition. These can be various illnesses, for example. However, lifestyle and certain behaviors, for example in nutrition, also play a role.

Constantly tired: Eight possible causes

You have slept well, but still feel tired and listless? Then this can also have other causes. The following reasons have nothing to do with lack of sleep.

Constantly tired - Reason 1: Iron deficiency

If the body lacks iron, chronic anaemia can develop. Since the red blood cells no longer supply the other cells of the body with enough oxygen, those affected feel tired and usually find it harder to concentrate. They are also more susceptible to colds. Women in particular often suffer from iron deficiency. Triggers can be heavy menstruation, high blood loss during childbirth or a diet low in iron.

Constantly tired - Reason 2: Not drinking enough

If you drink too little, you often sleep less. This in turn can lead to constant tiredness. Researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania found this connection in a study in which they analysed the data of 4,500 men and women. The body gets caught in a vicious circle: poor sleep leads to less fluid intake - and those who drink too little in turn sleep worse. Therefore, one should follow the recommendation of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) and drink about 1.5 litres daily.

Constantly tired - Reason 3: You have a thyroid disease.

A sick thyroid gland can also be to blame if you feel listless and tired all the time. The butterfly-shaped organ normally secretes hormones that regulate the metabolism. However, when it is underactive, the thyroid produces too little of the two most important hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). As a result, the pulse rate drops and those affected feel tired all the time. However, fatigue can also be a sign of hyperthyroidism. In this case, the cells consume an unnecessary amount of oxygen and you feel restless and powerless. An examination by a doctor can show whether there is a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Constantly tired - Reason 4: Possibly diabetes

Normally, the hormone insulin helps the cells in the human body to absorb glucose from the blood and convert it into energy. In type 2 diabetics, however, this mechanism is disturbed. The result: those affected feel tired and listless. If you suspect you have the disease, you should see your family doctor. He or she can use various blood tests to determine whether you have diabetes.

Constantly tired - Reason 5: You do not exercise enough or do not do enough sport

If you don't get enough exercise or don't do enough sports, you can also feel tired and listless. In this case, it is important to break the cycle and, for example, regularly take a walk in the fresh air or incorporate sports units into your daily routine. Afterward, you usually feel fitter and have more energy.

Constantly tired - Reason 6: You suffer from an allergy and take anti-allergic medication.

Antihistamines are used for allergies, for example against pollen or house dust. Even though they help allergy sufferers and provide relief, they are sometimes not without side effects. One common side effect is fatigue, because the drugs also affect the nerve cells in the brain. That is why it is recommended to take certain antihistamines only before going to bed.
Tired all the time

Reason 7: You drank coffee

It sounds paradoxical, because coffee is probably the most popular natural wake-up drink: But the hot beverage can be the reason why you feel tired during the day. The time of day plays an important role - even if you want to lose weight with coffee. This is because the caffeine contained in coffee can have a delayed effect. So if you drink coffee in the afternoon, the caffeine may not kick in until you go to bed. This, in turn, can upset your sleep-wake cycle.
Constantly tired

Reason 8: You have a vitamin B12 deficiency

Fatigue and lack of concentration can be symptoms of anemia. This in turn is due to a lack of vitamin B12 in the body. Although the body can store the vitamin in the liver and even draw on it for several years, vegans, for example, have a higher risk of suffering from a vitamin B12 deficiency. The reason: the vitamin is found primarily in many animal products. But a disturbed absorption of the vitamin in the gastrointestinal tract can also be the trigger.

By: Judith Braun

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