#Reduce your #stress with these six #recovery tips @ 20 May 2023

The stress is great when there is a risk of losing a job, a close relative is seriously ill, or the list of daily activities just cannot be shortened. That's why many stressed people ask themselves: How can I lower my stress level?

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More and more people are feeling stressed - according to the results of the TK stress survey 2021. Almost half (47 percent) of the survey participants stated that their stress level had risen sharply as a result of the corona pandemic. Families who find it particularly difficult due to home office and homeschooling are particularly affected.
But there are other factors that increase stress: fear of losing your job, being overwhelmed, or conflicts in relationships. In order for stress not to lead to illness, it is important to reduce stress levels. These six tips will help you.


1. Reduce stress through exercise
When stressed, the body goes into "danger mode": It prepares itself hormonally to flee or fight. If we sit still on the sofa in such a situation, the stress hormones don't break down.
Exercise is the best way to calm the body down in stressful situations. Anyone who is increasingly stressed should therefore strive to integrate regular exercise into their everyday life. A daily walk between breakfast and the start of work, a short workout during the lunch break or an evening walk provide balance. The rule of thumb for training intensity is that you sweat easily.

2. Reduce stress: Escape everyday life by reading
In 2016 the so-called rest test was published: the largest rest study to date. A total of 18,000 people from 134 countries were surveyed. When asked which activity was perceived as relaxing, the winner was clear: reading. According to the majority of survey participants, it makes sense and is easier to temporarily immerse yourself in a completely different world. Other leisure activities mentioned were:

3. Helps Reduce Stress Levels: Herbs for the Soul
Also in the first ten relaxation activities of the “Lepotest”: bathing or showering. Especially 18-30 year olds can relax in a hot shower or bath. The addition of soothing herbs makes the bath even more relaxing: lavender, for example, has been proven to have a relaxing effect.
The beneficial effects of the medicinal plant can already be felt by holding a lavender blossom to your nose and smelling it. However, lavender can also have a stress-reducing effect when taken orally, for example as a tea or capsule. As a medicinal lavender, it is particularly effective when taken in large doses daily. Other relaxing herbs include lemon balm, valerian and the herb.

4. Social contacts can reduce stress
Meetings with friends and family are not necessarily the classic way to chill and relax. The final exam mentioned activities that were mostly done alone – spending time with friends and family was lower on the list.
Social contacts can also reduce stress outside of research, especially on an emotional level. Because loneliness is a major psychological burden. Too little attention and change can make you mentally ill. Virtual or face-to-face meetings, as well as phone calls to friends and relatives, or going for walks together can therefore reduce stress in this case.

5. Creativity relaxes and reduces stress
Redesign a garden, renovate an apartment, try a new hobby: if you let your creativity run free, sooner or later you will notice that you are no longer so stressed. Because creativity is a good way to reduce stress and to strengthen self-confidence and self-efficacy. Engaging in a creative hobby, be it jewelry design, painting or macrame, allows you to escape a stressful situation for a moment and think about other things.

6. Reduce stress through relaxation techniques
Most relaxation techniques can be done at home in the living room. Online courses and CDs support you. It is possible to learn the relaxation process under supervision in on-site courses. Tips: Ask your health insurance company which relaxation and health courses are supported.
These techniques have been proven to reduce stress levels:

Anyone who wants to lower their stress level will discover over time how exercise, relaxation and creativity can lead to inner balance.


Hammond, C., & Lewis, G. (2016): The Rest Test: Preliminary Findings from a Large-Scale International Survey on Rest, in: The Restless Compendium. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Rest and well-being – world’s largest survey, in: dur.ac.uk

Deutschland steht unter Dauerstress, in: tk.de

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