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6 things #emotional #intelligent #people have in common

People with high levels of emotionality live in harmony with themselves and their emotionality - and they have six traits everyone can learn from.

Admittedly, feelings can be very stressful, especially painful ones such as grief, anger, jealousy or unrequited love! In addition, they often distract us and disturb our thoughts - or is it easy to concentrate on your work when you are newly in love? With that in mind, it's no wonder that our society tends to view people who let their emotions as their guides as weak and childish, while those who use their heads are seen as strong and successful... but only in that way seen!

Because only our emotional wealth and our complex emotional world make us human. Without our emotions, we would be empty, uniform shells working like robots through life's to-do list. A to-do list that they wouldn't even have written themselves, but that just came about as part of their social and biographical niche. A terrible idea!

A good and clever way of dealing with feelings is (contrary to an apparently stubborn opinion) not the most disciplined and successful suppression of feelings. Emotional intelligence means understanding feelings, being authentic, going through life with feelings.

You can typically recognize people who do this by these six characteristics.
6 Traits of Emotionally Intelligent People

1. allow all emotions equally

Emotionally intelligent people know that nothing in life is permanent, neither making you happy nor suffering. They use happy phases to strengthen their strength, their (self-)confidence and their courage - and are then better able to persevere in unhappy phases. And he knows that the real alarm signals are not worry, fear and pain, but apathy and indifference.

2. You know how to differentiate between feelings and reality.

Emotionally intelligent people are aware that their feelings are their personal reactions to what they perceive and that they depend on their experiences, moods, and judgments. For this reason they are never completely helpless or powerless, because they do not seek the blame or the cause for their feelings in other people or in the outside world, but in themselves - and ultimately they have sole control there.

3. You are empathetic. You show genuine interest in others.

Emotionally intelligent people see and respect other people as beings who are just as sensitive, searching, and independent as themselves. They understand that compassion, respect, and empathy strengthen a community and that one can help and inspire one another.

4. They don't let others dictate their path.

Emotional intelligence makes us aware that we do not develop many of our beliefs, but have automatically adopted them from society (e.g. ideals of beauty, life goals such as wealth, success at work or two children, a boy and a girl...), and that we do not develop these beliefs, but have automatically adopted them from society (e.g. ideals of beauty, goals in life such as wealth, success at work...). Because of this, they take the time to critically question their thoughts and principles, and to free themselves from the beliefs and ideas that they recognize as alien to them.

5. You are good at assessing other people.

Emotionally intelligent people have a good sense of who they open up to and who they tend to keep their distance from. They consistently say "no" to relationships that only strain them, while in equal partnerships and friendships they are compassionate, generous, giving, and loyal.

6. Put yourself first

Emotionally intelligent people always defend their own needs, rights, and interests. They know that no one else is responsible for them because no one knows them and can care for them like they do. They also know that if they didn't take care of themselves, they would be a burden to others.

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Posted on 17 May 2023 by Gift

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