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Can #ginger also be #harmful? In these 3 cases yes!

Hilft Ingwer gegen Krebs?

Especially in the cold season, ginger is considered a natural remedy. But can ginger be harmful? In three cases, too much ginger can be quite dangerous. What they are, how much ginger can be consumed per day, what other side effects can occur and what helps.
Can ginger also be harmful? How much ginger is allowed per day? Is too much ginger bad for me? Already in 3 cases!
Warning: Too much ginger causes side effects
I ate too much ginger - what to do? Conclusion: Is ginger harmful or healthy?
Anyone who wakes up with a cough and a cold often tries to get rid of these first cold symptoms with home remedies. One of them is a true universalist: ginger. The pungent substances contained in the yellow tuber have an anti-inflammatory effect and significantly relieve the symptoms. The spice was not voted Medicinal Plant of the Year 2018 for nothing! But can ginger be harmful? How much ginger is too much? What side effects can occur after use and how can they be mitigated? All answers!
Can ginger be harmful?

When asked “Can ginger be harmful?” most people would initially answer “no.” Because ginger is considered a natural remedy for colds and as a symptom-relieving food for arthritis, muscle pain or back pain. In the last three cases, it is used externally with poultices or gels, but ginger is drunk as a tea or eaten in pieces for coughs, etc. However, one should not forget that ginger can also have side effects – so you should not take too much.

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How much ginger is allowed per day?

Experts recommend consuming no more than 5 grams of ginger powder or 50 grams of fresh ginger per day. It is said that just two grams of the powder can bring about the positive effects of the trigger spice.
Anyone preparing fresh tea should also ask themselves how much ginger a day is healthy for them. Answer: For best results, thinly slice one or two unpeeled onions and pour boiling water over them. Leave on for at least ten minutes and enjoy hot. Again, too much ginger can be harmful. Therefore, only drink a cup of tea every two to three hours and no more than about a liter per day.

Is too much ginger bad for me? Already in 3 cases!
If you exceed the recommended daily dose, too much ginger is harmful and can cause unpleasant side effects. In the following three cases, you should be particularly careful when eating:

1. Too much ginger, sick? Be careful during pregnancy

Pregnant women must carefully monitor the use of the spice - because too much ginger is unhealthy and stimulates contractions, among other things. If you want to be absolutely sure whether and how much ginger you can eat or drink in individual cases, you can talk to your doctor.

2. When should ginger not be used? Just before the operation

Another case related to the question "when not to take ginger?" is before surgery. Excessive consumption of ginger thins the blood. The risk of heavy bleeding increases. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend avoiding its use immediately before surgery.

3. Ginger every day is harmful if you have frequent heartburn

Unfortunately, ginger not only stimulates digestion, but also increases the production of stomach acid. The result is heartburn. Daily ginger is just as harmful if you already have frequent heartburn — it can make symptoms worse. It is best to avoid the spice or only use it in very small amounts.

Warning: Too much ginger causes side effects Anyone who consumes the spice in one of the three harmful cases or exceeds the daily dose alone must expect ginger side effects. Irritation of the gastric mucosa occurs, which can cause the following symptoms.

stomach pain

I ate too much ginger - what to do?

If you have a sensitive stomach and therefore cannot tolerate the spiciness of ginger, you can put it in cold water for 10–15 minutes before cooking. If it's too late, you've eaten too much ginger, and you're wondering what to do, home remedies for stomach pain, such as heat or a stomach massage, can help combat the side effects. However, if symptoms are severe or persistent, see a doctor.
Conclusion: Is ginger harmful or healthy? Basically, the following still applies: Ginger is a healthy medicine that can help with colds as well as with many other ailments. However, ginger can also be harmful – to avoid negative effects, consumption should never exceed the recommended daily dose.

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Posted on 18 May 2023 by Gift

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