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#Burnout symptoms in #women: when #continuous #stress makes you sick

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Many women are under pressure from morning to night. When chronic, ongoing stress hits you, you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and less productive—the first sign of burnout. In women, however, the disease manifests itself more subtly.

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What are the causes of fatigue in women?

According to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), 5.2 percent of German women and 3.3 percent of men suffer from exhaustion, so women suffer more often.
People who are conscientious, set high standards for themselves and therefore often unconsciously push their limits are prone to burnout. The main reason why women suffer from burnout more often is that in German households the classic distribution of roles still prevails: the woman is responsible for the children and the household while she is employed, which leads to constant pressure to perform and chronic stress . and overwhelm.
Single mothers in particular who do not receive any support from their child's father suffer from burnout. Due to the additional burden and childcare, there is little time for recovery, so those affected remain in the background - they burn out.

Burnout Symptoms in Women: Physical and Psychological SymptomsFatigue, restlessness and tension are the first signs of exhaustion that occur in both men and women. Some symptoms of fatigue, such as anxiety, tremors, and tension, may be more pronounced in women. Aggressive behavior and sexual dysfunction are more common in men.

The burnout symptoms of a woman at a glance:

  •          Insomnia despite tiredness
  •          anxiety
  •          inner unrest
  •          nervousness
  •          aggressions
  •          difficulty concentrating
  •          dejection
  •          weak immune system
  •          migraines and headaches
  •          bloating and digestive problems
  •          irritable bowel syndrome

Burnout symptoms in women: the rushing woman syndrome

The Australian scientist Dr. Libby Weaver dealt intensively with the question of how long-term stress affects the body and psyche of women. She summarized her findings in a guide and coined the term "Busy Woman Syndrome": Women are busier today than ever - and that has serious consequences for their health. Constant stress affects the organs, metabolism, digestion, nervous system and hormone balance. Obesity and fertility problems can result.

According to Weaver, however, the reason lies in the need to create everything and make it as perfect as possible. But the traditional social model of women as social beings, loved by everyone and always friendly, is also effective – and will probably not come true. Emotional Exhaustion: What Protects Women From Burnout? 
In order not to run the risk of burnout in the first place, women should find their own personal way of dealing with stress and not neglecting it in hectic everyday life, for example:

• enough sleep

• conscious rest breaks

• At least 20 minutes of exercise in the fresh air every day

• healthy and balanced diet

• Relaxation exercises such as autogenic training or meditation

At the first sign of burnout, both women and men should not be afraid to seek expert help in order to take countermeasures at an early stage - especially if everyday life is not so easy to "massage" and depressive symptoms are added.


Burn-out-Syndrom in:

Geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte von Burnout in: der mann. Wissenschaftliches Journal für Männergesundheit

Was Dauerstress unserer Gesundheit antut: Das Rushing Woman Syndrom in:

Rushing-Woman-Syndrom in:

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Posted on 04 Jun 2023 by Gift

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