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Quitting #smoking: what really happens in the #body?

Quitting smoking is worth it, but what happens in the body? In fact, your body will thank you! Motivate yourself to lead a smoke-free life by observing what happens to your body when you quit smoking.

Quitting smoking - what happens in the body?

Quitting smoking is incredibly difficult. But it's worth it, because the body heals faster than you think! When you quit smoking, a lot happens in your body - much of it almost immediately because your body will thank you in a day if you quit smoking! Would you like more motivation? Those who want to quit smoking can find out what happens over time - from a smoke-free day to 15 years without tobacco.

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20 minutes without smoke: what happens in the body?

Quitting smoking has an immediate effect: the body begins to recover 20 minutes after the last cigarette. In smokers, the increased blood pressure often falls again, which means that the heart rate also returns to normal.

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1 day smoke-free: what happens in the body?

A cigarette contains about two percent carbon monoxide by volume. Inhaled poison makes it difficult for smokers to absorb oxygen. The good news: just 12 hours after quitting smoking, the carbon monoxide level in the blood drops significantly. As a result, the oxygen supply is no longer blocked and the oxygen concentration is therefore almost at a normal level. The first day without smoking ensures the normalization of oxygen levels.

2 days without smoke: what happens in the body?

Have you been smoke free for two days? Then new taste experiences await you: just 48 hours without tobacco improves your sense of taste and smell, which was previously weakened by tobacco. Everything tastes and smells much more intense now.

3 days without smoke:

what happens in the body? Normally, the body can get rid of all nicotine after about three days. Therefore, the withdrawal is unfortunately particularly acute at the moment and is usually noticeable when there is a lot of anger. In addition, physical withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and nausea can occur. Constipation is also a common problem with quitting smoking because the metabolism slows down initially. In this phase of nicotine withdrawal, ex-smokers need to be stronger. But then you are rewarded: After two weeks at the latest, the nasty withdrawal symptoms have largely disappeared.

14 days smoke-free: what happens in the body?

Anyone who has managed to give up cigarettes for two weeks can feel the success directly: Since the lung function has already increased significantly, the condition is also improving significantly. Climbing stairs and endurance sports are now much easier.

Quitting smoking: what happens in the body after 1 month?
From the first month after giving up cigarettes, the airways recover from the permanent strain.

Giving up cigarettes is clearly reflected in the body:

  1. Coughing fits are becoming less and less.
  2. The paranasal sinuses, which are often congested in smokers, become freer again.
  3. The bronchi recover and the mucus can be better broken down.

Quitting smoking: what happens in the body after a year?

Anyone who has successfully quit smoking for a year can count on a healthier heart: the risk of a heart attack drops by up to 50 percent.

Quitting Smoking: What Happens In 5 Years?

After five years at the latest, the risk of a stroke for a non-smoker decreases. The risk of throat, mouth and esophagus cancer halves after five years.

Quitting smoking: what happens in the body after 10 years? It may be a long road, but it's worth it: quitting smoking for ten years cuts your risk of lung cancer by half.
What happens after 15 years of quitting smoking? Ex-smokers survived after 15 years: their hearts have recovered to such an extent that the risk of coronary heart disease is no higher than for non-smokers.

What happens in the body when you stop smoking? Anyone who manages to quit smoking in the long term will be rewarded with a healthy body in the long term. But immediately after quitting smoking, the body begins to recover, which becomes noticeable after a few days.

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Posted on 16 Jun 2023 by Gift

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