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Calorie bomb or source of energy? The nutritional values of a bowl of oatmeal with milk and sugar

The number of calories in a bowl of oatmeal with milk and 5 heaping tablespoons of sugar depends on the exact amounts of the ingredients. However, I can give you a rough estimate.

Oatmeal: The average amount of oatmeal in a plate can be around 40 to 50 grams, which equates to around 150 to 200 calories, depending on the brand and type of oatmeal.


Milk: About 150ml of milk is typically used for a bowl of oatmeal. The amount of calories depends on the fat level of the milk. For example, whole milk has about 150 calories per 150ml, while skim milk has about 90 calories per 150ml.

Sugar: A heaping tablespoon of sugar contains about 12 to 15 grams of sugar, which is about 45 to 60 calories. If you use 5 heaping tablespoons of sugar, it would be about 225 to 300 calories from just the sugar.

In summary, the approximate amount of calories for a plate of oatmeal with milk and 5 heaped tablespoons of sugar is:

Oatmeal: 150-200 calories Milk: 90-150 calories Sugar: 225-300 calories The total calories are therefore around 465 to 650 calories. Note that this is only a rough estimate and actual calories may vary depending on the brand and amount of ingredients. If you want more specific information, I recommend checking the nutritional information on the packaging of the products you use.

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Posted on 02 Aug 2023 by Gift

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