Rules of conduct and explanation of the web radio.

  1. Be respectful and empathetic: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) can be a significant challenge for those affected. Therefore, be respectful, polite, and empathetic when interacting with other chat participants.
  2. Avoid triggering topics: Individuals with BPD can be sensitive to certain topics. Therefore, try to avoid discussing topics such as self-harm, suicide, abuse, or other potentially triggering content to prevent causing harm or distress to anyone.
  3. Watch your language: Be cautious with your words and avoid using derogatory, offensive, or condescending language. Your goal should be to create a supportive and positive atmosphere in the chat.
  4. Practice patience: People with Borderline Personality Disorder may experience difficult emotions or impulse control issues. Be patient and understanding when someone in the chat is facing challenges. Help create a calming and stabilizing environment.
  5. Refrain from giving medical advice: As a chat participant, you should not provide medical advice as you are not an expert. Encourage other participants to seek professional help from therapists or doctors to receive appropriate support.
  6. Respect confidentiality: Respect the confidentiality of the information shared in the chat. Do not share personal information or stories of other chat participants outside the chat unless you have explicit permission.
  7. Practice self-care: It is important to take care of your own needs during the chat. Set clear boundaries for yourself and take time to recover if you find it emotionally challenging. Remember that you are not responsible for the well-being of other chat participants, but only for your own support.
  8. Report crisis situations: If you notice that someone in the chat is in an acute crisis or expressing self-harm intentions, promptly report it to the appropriate authorities. Do not delay by offering advice, but let professionals intervene to provide appropriate help.
We have an important and meaningful chat here, where individuals affected by various conditions such as borderline, depression, eating disorders, dissociative identity disorders, or addiction can connect and support each other. However, we still need a few dedicated moderators to help us maintain order. If you have knowledge about any of these conditions, please reach out to us.

We strive to have someone online at all times, so that nobody feels left alone. However, please understand that the chat is still new, and it may sometimes be quiet. So, don't worry if you don't receive an immediate response. Use the time to engage in other activities. And if you have any suggestions for improvement, please share them with us!

Now, let's get straight to the point: Be kind to each other, or you will be removed from the chat. If someone is bothering you, simply ignore them. If you're new here, take some time to observe the mood before fully jumping in. If this chat isn't your thing, no problem, there are plenty of other chats out there.

And remember, you are not anonymous! The chat operator can see your actions and IP address. So, behave accordingly, or there will be consequences. If anyone threatens suicide or insults others, they will be immediately kicked out of the chat.

Last but not least: This chat cannot solve crisis situations. If you need urgent help, please call a helpline or go to the nearest clinic. We are here to support each other, but sometimes professional help is necessary.

With that in mind, have a great time and always remember to be kind!

The operation of the radio player is designed to be easy and user-friendly. To select a station, you can simply click on the corresponding station name. Once you have selected a station, the web radio automatically starts playing. If this is not the case, there is a central button in the middle of the player that you can press to start playback. This button is marked with the symbol ⏯️.

If you want to switch to the next station, you can use the button with the symbol . This selects the next station on the list and plays it automatically. On the other hand, if you want to return to the previous station, you can use the button with the symbol .

To start the radio, simply click the ⏯️ button, and playback will begin. You can sit back and enjoy the music while the web radio plays continuously.

With this simple and intuitive operation, you can easily switch between different stations and choose the desired music genre. The web radio allows you to discover your favorite songs and genres or simply immerse yourself in musical variety. Enjoy listening to music!

Self Help Chat