Die Zahl der jungen Menschen mit psychischen Störungen ist in den letzten 20 Jahren stark gestiegen und Social Media wird oft als Ursache genannt. Laut einer britischen Studie gibt es dafür jedoch kaum Hinweise.
Eine Langzeitstudie, die die Nutzung von Social Media bei 3.228 12- bis 13-Jährigen erfasste, zeigte ein Jahr später keine Hinweise auf ein geringeres Selbstwertgefühl oder weniger soziale Verbindungen (Freundschaften). Ein Jahr später seien noch immer keine Anzeichen einer Verschlechterung der psychischen Gesundheit durch die Nutzung sozialer Medien zu erkennen, schreiben die Autoren im Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Dr. Ruth Plakette von der University of London sagte: „Soziale Medien sind möglicherweise nicht so schädlich für die psychische Gesundheit junger Menschen wie bisher angenommen. Wir müssen vorsichtig damit sein, sie als Verursacher psychischer Gesundheitsprobleme zu interpretieren.
Soziale Medien können sowohl positive als auch negative Auswirkungen auf die psychische Gesundheit junger Menschen haben, und es gibt noch viele offene Fragen. Unsere Forschung zeigt beispielsweise, dass Faktoren wie das Selbstwertgefühl wichtig sind, wenn man versucht, das geistige Wohlbefinden junger Menschen zu verbessern.
Laut Weltgesundheitsorganisation leidet jeder siebte junge Mensch zwischen 10 und 19 Jahren an einer psychischen Störung, und die Hälfte der psychischen Gesundheitsprobleme beginnt im Alter von 14 Jahren.
Quelle:DOI 10.2196/43213
Sleep is the best and cheapest medicine. Without proper breaks in the dream world, we humans cannot survive. But what is actually healthier – short sleep or long sleep? Scientists have the answer.
Tough leaders pride themselves on getting only four or five hours of sleep and still making important decisions. Napoleon also called late risers “idiots”. Literally he said: “A man sleeps four hours, a woman five hours, an idiot six.”
Get to work, shop, stop whining: Until then, people living in poverty and dependent on basic income must dress warmly when they draw attention to their plight on social media. Many no longer dare to open their mouths and end up on the sidelines again. The Twitter user “MS Fighter” defends itself against it. Because the tip you gave him is disgusting: he should have his dog put to sleep.
Unsolicited life tips
When it comes to money, many people hit a sore spot. No wonder, electricity prices have suddenly faded into oblivion due to inflation and worries. When supposedly lazy welfare recipients, for whom everything is pushed back and forth, demand a fair principle, a good education is quickly forgotten.
Borderline: Disorder Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
People with borderline syndrome live on a constant rollercoaster of emotions. They cannot control their emotions. Find out more about typical symptoms, how borderline personality disorder affects relationships, and which therapy can help.
Borderline Personality Disorder: What is Borderline?
It is estimated that around two out of every hundred people suffer from borderline personality disorder. Those who are suffering are in real emotional turmoil. They have trouble regulating their emotions. Therefore, they react impulsively and tend to take short actions – this is also reflected in their relationships.
Borderline Syndrome is one of the emotionally unstable personality disorders. These diseases are characterized by rapid emotional changes: mood can change from minute to minute. Even a small chance is enough.
Self-confidence instead of self-blame: How parents can deal with the pressure
Left sock on, right sock on, unzip pants, pull pants up and zip up again. Getting dressed is routine for most people. But for some, this everyday task can be a real challenge. It is for children with ADHD. "It helps to explain each step individually and to put the clothes in the right order in the morning," says Nicole Schmidt. Practical tips for a daily life full of challenges.
Menthol flavors have been linked to poorer lung function in e-cigarette users, researchers report in the journal Respiratory Research. This is probably because they produce more toxic microparticles when used compared to menthol liquids.
Using specially designed machines that closely mimic human breathing when vaping e-cigarettes, the research team was able to show that using e-cigarette liquids containing menthol produces more toxic microparticles than other flavors. A study of a group of e-cigarette smokers found that menthol vapers had lower respiratory rates and poorer lung function than those using non-menthol products.
Although the sale of traditional menthol cigarettes has been banned across Europe for years, the market for e-cigarettes is growing worldwide, with mint and menthol flavors popular with young people. However, menthol additives can be just as dangerous as vitamin E acetate, which has been linked to lung damage in e-cigarette users. Vitamin E acetate is a common additive in e-liquids that contain cannabinoids. It produces toxic small particles that penetrate the narrowest airways and mucous membranes of the lungs.
“Many people, especially teenagers, mistakenly believe that vaping electronic cigarettes is safe. But even nicotine-free e-liquids contain many compounds that can damage your lungs. Just because something is safe to eat doesn't mean it's safe to inhale,” said Prof. Dr. Kambez H. Benam from the University of Pittsburgh. He advises young adults who have never smoked to be aware of the risks: “Transition . . E-cigarettes can be a better and safer alternative for someone trying to quit smoking traditional tobacco products. However, it is important to fully understand the risks and benefits of e-cigarettes.
Translated by Gift
Quelle: DOI10.1186/s12931-023-02410-9
Manche Menschen trifft er immer wieder, andere nie leiden nie unter den unangenehmen Bläschen and der Lippe. Was Lippenherpes auslöst und wie man ihn am besten behandelt, hören Sie in dieser Folge von „gecheckt!“.
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