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After sex, a man just rolls over and falls asleep - a common stereotype. But do we really sleep better after we've just had sex?

Sleep disorders are also common in Germany. According to RKI research, 10.4 women and 7.6 men in the age group 18 to 39 have difficulty falling asleep at least three times a week. A total of 24.1 women and 17.8 men in the same age group suffer from poor sleep quality – the reasons for this vary. The use of sleeping pills is not far off. 1.9% of women and 0.8% of men take sleeping pills regularly – at least once a week. But what if there was a much simpler solution to the problem?

Sex or sleep - or both?

Current research is now getting to the bottom of the best way to combat insomnia: sex. Everyone knows the cliché that a man falls asleep right after sex - isn't that a cliché? First, the small study isn't just about men. Sex tires women too.

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Posted on 09 Jun 2023 by Gift

Sleep disorders are common. Sleep disorders are not all the same: for example, falling asleep and sleeping through the night (insomnia), different types of daytime sleep (hypersomnia), sleep-related movement disorders (e.g., restless legs' syndrome) and sleep-related breathing disorders. (e.g., sleep apnea). Read more about the causes and forms of insomnia and what you can do about it!

Click to read more. There's the video.

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Posted on 22 Apr 2023 by Gift
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