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Hilft Ingwer gegen Krebs?

Especially in the cold season, ginger is considered a natural remedy. But can ginger be harmful? In three cases, too much ginger can be quite dangerous. What they are, how much ginger can be consumed per day, what other side effects can occur and what helps.
Can ginger also be harmful? How much ginger is allowed per day? Is too much ginger bad for me? Already in 3 cases!
Warning: Too much ginger causes side effects
I ate too much ginger - what to do? Conclusion: Is ginger harmful or healthy?
Anyone who wakes up with a cough and a cold often tries to get rid of these first cold symptoms with home remedies. One of them is a true universalist: ginger. The pungent substances contained in the yellow tuber have an anti-inflammatory effect and significantly relieve the symptoms. The spice was not voted Medicinal Plant of the Year 2018 for nothing! But can ginger be harmful? How much ginger is too much? What side effects can occur after use and how can they be mitigated? All answers!
Can ginger be harmful?

When asked “Can ginger be harmful?” most people would initially answer “no.” Because ginger is considered a natural remedy for colds and as a symptom-relieving food for arthritis, muscle pain or back pain. In the last three cases, it is used externally with poultices or gels, but ginger is drunk as a tea or eaten in pieces for coughs, etc. However, one should not forget that ginger can also have side effects – so you should not take too much.

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Posted on 18 May 2023 by Gift
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