About us!

Our association Borderline-Selbsthilfe.org is a self-help organisation for people who are affected by Borderline or know about it. Our goal is to enable, support, maintain and improve relationships in the context of borderline. We are not only concerned with coping with a chronic illness, but also with improving the quality of life and coping with stressful social situations. By sharing self-experiences, we can improve our lives, especially in the area of relationships. We welcome everyone who wants the same and wants to take responsibility for themselves.

The clinical picture of borderline is characterised by nine times more basic tension, as a study has shown. The resulting feelings and inner tensions can be so overwhelming that control over them is temporarily lost by the person affected. Negative thoughts such as the feeling of being of little value or fear of being abandoned by loved ones are just some of the problems that sufferers have to struggle with. To manage these feelings and inner tensions and maintain control over one's life, conscious techniques are needed to create an inner balance that makes the use of alcohol, drugs or self-harm unnecessary.

In the interpersonal sphere, borderline sufferers often have difficulties, especially with people who are particularly important to them. Those close to them can also be severely affected, feel helpless and suffer from the disorder.

Further links
Diagnosis Borderline: Life was to be redesigned | Frau TV | WDR

Our channe 



Links from Prochild:
Everyday help for mothers with children

Tips for everyday family life in Corona times, Part 1: " Before it bangs"

Tips for everyday family life in Corona times, Part 2: " Let the storm pass by"
Tips for everyday family life in Corona times, Part 3: " Clear the air in the den."

More information about Borderline

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