Borderline and Alcohol Addiction

 Alcohol addiction - one of the most common addictions of our time - is unfortunately often not adequately recognized. This is the constant consumption of alcohol in large quantities, which unfortunately is becoming increasingly accepted in our society. This abuse leads to changes in mental and physical functions and also occurs in inappropriate situations with "normal" alcohol consumption.

Alcohol addiction occurs when the amount consumed exceeds limits that are harmful to the body. A distinction is made between psychological and physical dependence. The effects of alcohol addiction are very severe, leading to environmental problems such as job loss, personality changes, social decline, and organ damage, including brain damage.

There are two types of alcoholics: addicts and non-addicts. Because of years of use, addicts are no longer able to control their use and are forced to keep drinking. While non-addicts drink too much and regularly, they are able to stop drinking for a while. Unfortunately, the number of alcohol addicts continues to rise despite the many educational campaigns. This may be because a little intoxication is initially perceived as funny or even sexy. As a result, more and more young people in particular are consuming alcohol, with flat-rate drinking until you drop being a current bad habit. In addition, all social classes are affected, both the poor and the rich.

Regular consumption of alcohol always carries the risk of damage to health. Not only excessive alcohol consumption, but also small amounts consumed on a regular basis can cause harm. This primarily affects the cardiovascular system. However, alcohol is particularly harmful to the liver, which is responsible for filtering toxins, including alcohol, out of our bodies. The liver can swell, become fatty, and eventually stop working altogether. Women break down alcohol more slowly than men and are therefore at greater risk of damage to their health.

The brain also suffers greatly from the alcohol. With every intoxication, millions of nerve cells are destroyed. Memory fades, it's hard to concentrate, and addiction changes your entire personality. There are currently around 3 million alcohol addicts living in Germany. About 40,000 people die every year as a result of alcohol.