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Our membership costs just €24 a year and gives you access to our exclusive member area. There you will find a variety of exciting articles and doctoral theses that are only accessible to our members. Discover new insights and deepen your knowledge in your field. Become a member now and benefit from our wide range of high-quality content.

We are pleased that you are interested in becoming a member of our association. Here you will find all the information you need to become a member:

Peer Support: Members of a support group often have similar experiences and challenges dealing with borderline symptoms and can offer valuable support and understanding.

Exchange of experiences and information: In self-help groups, members can share their experiences and insights and learn from each other. This can help to develop and implement new strategies and coping mechanisms.

Boosting Self-Confidence: Participating in a support group can boost self-confidence, as the support and sharing helps members learn to better deal with the challenges of their condition.Improving the social network: People with borderline personality often tend to withdraw and avoid social contact. A support group can help expand social networks and build new friendships.

Access to information and resources: Support groups also often provide access to information and resources that may be helpful to people with borderline symptoms, such as B. Literature, workshops or expert presentations.

Opportunity to help shape: By becoming a member of a self-help group, members can actively participate in the design and organization of the group and thus make a contribution to improving the situation of people with borderline symptoms.

If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to contact us.