Our volunteers

I ♥ my job!

(These are our volunteers. Who are still working as doctors or in psychiatric care. We see each other regularly and always have a short chat. If I ask about a problem, which will of course be dealt with anonymously. I can ask a question at any time, and it will be answered most of the time on the same day.

We love what we do. Because the quality of our joint work has an impact: on the satisfaction of our users.

We are aware of the responsibility we bear.

We like to face challenges as a team, with each individual making his or her contribution. To this end, we continuously educate ourselves and look for development opportunities in our association. The edge of the plate is not our limitation. Short distances are our favorite. Direct communication, feedback and mutual, respectful support help us to focus on solutions and not problems. That is why we can proclaim with firm conviction.

Stefanie Hahn Stelle deine Frage an unser Ärzteteam Mod Admin
Stefanie Hahn, practice supervisor at medical ask. Steffi Ask your question to our team of doctors, We will be happy to forward your question to doctors in your area! Mod, Editor, Jornalist Gift1996 aka Claudia Steinhäuser Gift1996 Admin / Mod Journalist Alaska1966 aka Peter Richartz
Pychologe Neuss Augustinus Kliniken Möchte Anonym bleiben Möchte Anonym bleiben Möchte auc Anonym bleiben
Pychologe Neuss Augustinus Kliniken  Ask your question to our medical team, we will be happy to forward your question to doctors near you! Stefan es gibt Geld, wenn es ihm gut geht