Donations and membership fees
In order to maintain the domain and various associations, we need donations. With a donation, you can not only help yourself, but also others! Please donate e.g. B. 5 € per year or 1 € per month. Of course, larger donations are more than welcome...
The annual fee for active members is €24 per year and must be transferred to the account IBAN: DE02 3008 0000 0115 0509 01 BIC: DRESDEFF300 by the 15th of the month.
We say thank you,
the borderline self-help team.
In order to maintain the domain and various associations, we need donations. With a donation, you can not only help yourself, but also others! Please donate e.g. B. 5 € per year or 1 € per month. Of course, larger donations are more than welcome...
The annual fee for active members is €24 per year and must be transferred to the account IBAN: DE02 3008 0000 0115 0509 01 BIC: DRESDEFF300 by the 15th of the month.
We say thank you,
the borderline self-help team.